Inspection Services

Service description
For over 40 years, Schwab Eaton has been providing construction support services to cities, counties, developers, and contractors. Our inspectors are Kansas Department of Transportation, American Concrete Institute, and American Society for Testing and Materials certified. Typical services include:
QC/QA materials testing for soils, asphalt, and concrete
Documentation of construction activities and materials certifications
Construction observation and inspection for project document compliance
Contract administration and submittal review
Project quantities calculations for pay vouchers
These services can be provided on a periodic or full-time basis depending on the needs of the project.
Bridge Inspections
Schwab Eaton also provides in-depth routine, special case, and fracture-critical bridge inspection and analysis services. Bridge inspection services include Stream and Scour conditions and structure evaluation. We perform routine appraisal and condition along with special case inspections and evaluations for:
Biennial/Interim Inspection Structure Inventory
Major Collector Bridges
Minor Collector and Local Bridges
Urban Bridges
Collision Damaged Structures
Our inspectors are certified as “Team Leaders” in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration and Kansas Department of Transportation. All bridge inspection and analysis is performed under the County's jurisdiction in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards as administered by the Federal Highway Administration and the Kansas Department of Transportation.