Moundridge Wastewater Treatment Plant

City of Moundridge
225 South Christian
Moundridge, KS 67107
Year Completed
Services Provided
Topographic Surveys
Permit Applications
Boundary Surveys
Construction Administration
Construction Documents
Construction Observation
Regulatory Permitting
Project Description
Due to steady population growth and a robust industrial load, the City’s existing 3 cell wastewater stabilization ponds were unable to successfully treat the wastewater flow to discharge limits. The City chose to construct an activated sludge pretreatment plant ahead of the existing pond system to reduce the high organic strength of the influent flow and assist in meeting future nutrient limits in the pond system discharge. The project included design and construction related services for a new Schrieber LLC concentric ring activated sludge plant, new mechanical headworks, and a new laboratory/controls building and emergency generator. The project, completed in 2019, resulted in the City receiving the 2020 KRWA Most Improved Wastewater System award.